This place is pretty special to us. We first came here when we were newly weds, on one of our many adventures, where we were smitten by all the picturesque walls and delicious root beer.
The second time we came here, was when I was newly pregnant. We took one picture, because in my first trimester just the thought of looking at my phone made me want to vomit. I was having a miserable time due to nausea, so we thought some ginger ale would help. I ended up getting a root beer.
This time, we were all here. All three of us.
We took pictures by the same picturesque walls, and went to the same little shop to get root beer and cream soda. When we parked we told Ever, "you've been here before!" And as we walked around, we reminisced on the memories of the times before. How we went into that toy store wondering if there was a baby boy or a baby girl growing inside me, and what kind of toys he/she would like. This time, that same baby girl snoozing on her daddy's chest imagining the days when she'll be playing with her little dolls in her dollhouse. How the time before that, a child was hardly at the forefront of our minds. But there we were, reliving those memories. Each time we were both slightly different people than before. Each time a little sweeter than the last.