Wow, I never blog anymore 🙃 does anyone even read blogs anymore?
I’d like to post more of these “life lately” blogs, because why not?
basically life lately has just been me adjusting to having 3 kids, and it’s been quite the adjustment. I feel like I’ve been in survival mode / auto-pilot / floating through life like a ghost since Jesse went back to work after paternity leave. I spend my days jumping from one need to the next, with no time to process my own thoughts or feelings. It’s hard being needed by 3 tiny humans, and it’s hard to give them each what they need physically and emotionally. But I’m adjusting, and kinda sorta feel like I’m coming out of the postpartum fog. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll most likely be adjusting for the rest of my life as motherhood and parenthood and the family dynamics are constantly shifting. We’ll never arrive at any destination, so I need to learn how to ride the waves.
Now here are some recent highlights 🧡